Midjourney just got a new Update

Insane new possiblities, now you can outpaint a whole image
Written by Tom
June 27, 2023 ยท 3min read >


  • In this example code, we start with the standard HTML structure.
  • Specifies the menu location, and the menu_class defines the CSS class for the menu.
  • If the current page is the homepage, the site title is wrapped in an
  • If the current page is the homepage, the site title is wrapped

Whats new

In this example code, we start with the standard HTML structure. Inside the <head> section, we include the necessary meta tags for character set and viewport settings. The <title> element is populated using the wp_title() function, which retrieves the title of the current page. The wp_head() function is used as a hook to add any additional elements required in the <head> section, such as stylesheets or scripts.

Inside the <body> section, we define the header section with the ID masthead and the class site-header. The site branding section displays the site title and description using the bloginfo() function. If the current page is the homepage, the site title is wrapped in an <h1> tag, and both the title and description are displayed. On other pages, only the site title is displayed.

The navigation section is defined using the <nav> element with the ID site-navigation and the class main-navigation. The wp_nav_menu() function is used to display the primary menu defined in the WordPress dashboard. It accepts an array of arguments, where the theme_location specifies the menu location, and the menu_class defines the CSS class for the menu.

Remember to modify this code according to your specific design requirements and menu structure.

Executing an SEO-Friendly Site Migration

The navigation section is defined using the <nav> element with the ID site-navigation and the class main-navigation. The wp_nav_menu() function is used to display the primary menu defined in the WordPress dashboard. It accepts an array of arguments, where the theme_location specifies the menu location, and the menu_class defines the CSS class for the menu.

What Is a Site Migration?

The navigation section is defined using the <nav> element with the ID site-navigation and the class main-navigation. The wp_nav_menu() function is used to display the primary menu defined in the WordPress dashboard. It accepts an array of arguments, where the theme_location specifies the menu location, and the menu_class defines the CSS class for the menu.

How Site Migrations Can Impact SEO

Inside the <body> section, we define the header section with the ID masthead and the class site-header. The site branding section displays the site title and description using the bloginfo() function. If the current page is the homepage, the site title is wrapped in an <h1> tag, and both the title and description are displayed. On other pages, only the site title is displayed.